Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday 29 February 2012


Yeahhh ! LOVE

To LOVE someone unconditionally means that you LOVE the person exactly as they are , 
 exactly as they were before , 
and exactly as they will be in the future because people change all the time , 
so if you LOVE the person , 
you will LOVE them even if they become something you disagree with . 
 LOVE is not about you or your pleasure or your amusement . 
 It’s not about what you get out of it or what the other person can give to you . 
 It’s not about having a trophy you can show off with and tell people 
“This is *MY* girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husbandwhatever”. 
You do not “own” anyone . 
It’s not about 
you feeling ‘proud’ to be with someone who always agrees with everything you say and do and never does anything you disagree with .
Unconditional LOVE means that the person can just live their life exactly as they choose and you will always be there for them no matter what.
 Relationships are like trying to put LOVE into a box and keep it there , 
except LOVE is infinitely sized ,
and the box is… :]
well , there is no box large enough . HEHE

Everyday i LOVE HIM more and more and more ! ;)

Why i say so ?

Its because HE can gave me hapiness in my life ,

everytime when i'm sad , HE can make a joke to make me laugh .

HE being a good listener too ;)

HE's more understanding than me >< hehe .

Everytime i'm happy , HE want me to share with HIM ,

that what we call LOVE .

Sharing every happiness , sadness with our lover .

A good guy wouldn't let his girlfriend laugh , cry and do the crazy things alone ;D

HE is my first and last  ♥ i swear , HE will be the one that by my side FOREVER ! :)

  I YOU 

My  love  for  you  is  a  journey . Starting  at  forever ; ending  at  never .
I  love  him  and  that's  the  beginning  of  everything

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Hari ini , kawan saya yang sama-sama kerja berhenti sudah 
gara-gara itu BABI yang bikin stress utak ! 
hmmm ~ saya rinduu dia .
dia seorang yang baik hati . penyabar . rajin . pandai berlawak lagi ? 
haha ! everyday being with her is the best moment ever .

Nama dia Chelse , inilah kami  ;)
eeee , comel tak ? haha . 

saya paling sayang dia tahu ?
hehe ~ tapi tidak lupa juga sayang saya dengan kawan-kawan saya dari bangku sekolah :)
saya rindu mereka sangat-sangat  , eee . malu !
haha . 


Monday 27 February 2012

B.R.E.A.T.H.L.E.S.S ;]

If our love was a fairy tale 
i would charge in and rescue you 
on a yacht
baby we would sail to an island
where wed say i do 

and if we had babies they would like you
it'd be so beautiful if that came true

you don't even know how very special you are 
you leave me breathless , you're everything good in my life
you leave me breathless
i still can't believe that you're mine 
you just walked out of one of my dream 
so beautiful you're leaving me 

if our love was a story book 
we would meet on the very first page 
the last chapter would be about 
how i'm thankful for the life we've mad
and if we had babies 
they would have your eyes 
i would fall deeper watching you give life 
you don't even know how very special you are 
you leave me breathless , you're everything good in my life
you leave me breathless
i still can't believe that you're mine 
you just walked out of one of my dream 
so beautiful you're leaving me 
 you must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
you're like an angel 

the things that i feel is stronger than love 
believe me you're something special 
i only hope that ill one day deserve what you've given me 
but all i can do is try everyday of my life

you leave me breathless , you're everything good in my life
you leave me breathless
i still can't believe that you're mine 
you just walked out of one of my dream 
so beautiful you're leaving me 
breathless !

                 "Absence sharpens love, 
                                               presence strengthens it."

update again sooner  +.+   ~  hehe :) 

Sunday 26 February 2012


helloo peeppppsssss ' yeahhh ! baru dapat online ini .
heee ~ btw , sorry sangat sebab jarang update blog :P

Haisssss ! betul betul bikin panas tahu ini perempuan ! kamu mahu tahu siapa ?
hmmmmp ~ no need to mention it .
dia ini seorang perempuan yang tidak tahu menghargai , kenapa saya anggap dia macam itu ?
Ini mesti dicerita dari A ~ Z kan ? HAHA .

Firstly , time saya baru start kerja sini . ada 1 pekerja perempuan name F* with a new worker name N* , also a girl .
Saya friendly with new workers sampai me ajar semua yang saya tahu pasal electricals . saya sudah ajar semua itu . dengan ikhlas , but the things that make me HOT is when the boss ask her a question ' ivy tiada ajar kau kah ? ' She answered  NO . 
What is that mean ! Hey , that time seeing her face + act good and show off infront of me reallyyyyyyyyy ANNOYING !! and i just keep my mouth shut .

Lepas itu , satu orang lagi pergi ajar dia . A boy ,
You guys know what ?? yang make me feel so disgusting about that new workers is ~ dia melekatkan badan dia dengan itu lelaki and acting like she is very interesting to know everything . Dia punya perangai buat saya tambah panas . Bukan pasal jealous or something . It because time saya ajar . dia tahu jawab Oh , Oh and Oh ! when boys yang ajar sampai mahu tergedik-gedik . Okay i'm still keep my mouth shut .
time itu kami 3 girls rapat sangat . me , C* and F*

Next day , si F* pergi berkawan dengan si N* . so me and C* berdua-duaan lar . HAHA . F* tiba-tiba being bestfriend with N* . and being a backstabber  ! SHIT MAN !
orang bilang kasih biar saja kan . Okay . kami semua kasih biar dan pulaukan durang . Cause both of them really annoying . After few weeks together . N* and F* punya perangai makin BATABIAT !!
Naaaa ~ not just me say it , even my boss said like that to , tempat kerja sepatutnya buat kerja kan ??
but for them . Tempat kerja tempat menyundal , tempat mengumpat , tempat dating .
Wooooo ~ hebat kan durang . dari luar macam pergi k
kami diam-diam . kasih biar .

Ini N* banyak rahsia yang dia sembunyikan . yang bestfriend dia si F* saja yang tahu .
Inilah yang dikatakan kawan baik , dia kasih bongkar semua rahsia N* dengan boss and miss .
the new worker had stop . Inikah nama dia kawan ??? KAWAN MAKAN KAWAN !
paling teruk punya manusia ini begini !

After that saya sangka dia akan berubah . so me and C* kasih maaf dia . APA KAMI DAPAT !
Haisssss ! kamu tahan kah dengan orang yang , aishhhhh ! antah ! paling bikin panas ! 

Kalau jadi orang jangan terlampau bikin panas ! bukan semua boleh sabar dengan perangai kau . Dia cuma tahu mengumpat dan mengkritik ! tapi lupa beli cermin untuk diri sendiri ~ ini orang yang tidak tahu malu .
Yeahhhhh ! i really HATE her . Mulut tidak pandai berhenti mengatakan orang .  padahal dia itu bukannya baik dan sempurna sangat .
Orang sudah layan dia bagus-bagus . dia mahu kasih tunjuk lagi perangai dia macam setan !!! Haissss ~ menipu saja kerja . Orang bilang , orang yang jahat tidak akan ada kawan yang setia di sisi . betul . balasan !

memang FIRST TIME lah saya terjumpa orang begini !
teruk sangat-sangat ! aishhhhh  . hari-hari kasih rusak mood orang saja !
i'm just shorted it .
hmmmmp . thats all , Okay , bye .