Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday 29 February 2012


Yeahhh ! LOVE

To LOVE someone unconditionally means that you LOVE the person exactly as they are , 
 exactly as they were before , 
and exactly as they will be in the future because people change all the time , 
so if you LOVE the person , 
you will LOVE them even if they become something you disagree with . 
 LOVE is not about you or your pleasure or your amusement . 
 It’s not about what you get out of it or what the other person can give to you . 
 It’s not about having a trophy you can show off with and tell people 
“This is *MY* girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husbandwhatever”. 
You do not “own” anyone . 
It’s not about 
you feeling ‘proud’ to be with someone who always agrees with everything you say and do and never does anything you disagree with .
Unconditional LOVE means that the person can just live their life exactly as they choose and you will always be there for them no matter what.
 Relationships are like trying to put LOVE into a box and keep it there , 
except LOVE is infinitely sized ,
and the box is… :]
well , there is no box large enough . HEHE

Everyday i LOVE HIM more and more and more ! ;)

Why i say so ?

Its because HE can gave me hapiness in my life ,

everytime when i'm sad , HE can make a joke to make me laugh .

HE being a good listener too ;)

HE's more understanding than me >< hehe .

Everytime i'm happy , HE want me to share with HIM ,

that what we call LOVE .

Sharing every happiness , sadness with our lover .

A good guy wouldn't let his girlfriend laugh , cry and do the crazy things alone ;D

HE is my first and last  ♥ i swear , HE will be the one that by my side FOREVER ! :)

  I YOU 

My  love  for  you  is  a  journey . Starting  at  forever ; ending  at  never .
I  love  him  and  that's  the  beginning  of  everything